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Using roasted pumpkin instead of canned pumpkin gives this pie a deeper flavor and brings out the pumpkin's natural sweetness. This means that you won't need as much sugar.

Pumpkins are a good choice for a healthy snack because they are full of beta-carotene and fiber. But did you know that the seeds are full of healthy omega-3 fats, vitamins, and minerals? In the graham cracker crust, I use pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil. Pumpkin seed oil might be hard to find, but it's worth the effort to look for it. Not only is it very healthy, but it also has a deep, nutty taste that you can't find anywhere else. It tastes great with pumpkin, which isn't a big surprise.

Pick your favorite kind of pumpkin to roast. In the fall, most stores sell pumpkin pie near me. Most of the time, these small types are sweeter and less stringy than the big ones. Another great choice is butternut squash. Cut it in half and take out the seeds, no matter which one you choose. Brush with a little pumpkin seed oil and roast at 425°F for about an hour, or until soft. Scoop out the pumpkin and put it in the bowl of your food processor that has a blade that can be used for many different things. Mix until it's smooth.

Many kinds of pumpkins have seeds that don't have shells or skins. Those are the seeds you need for this recipe. If your pumpkin seeds don't have hulls, that's great. If not, get the seeds on their own.

How to Make Crust:

1/4 cup of seeds from a pumpkin

12 crackers for graham (use whole grain for a healthier option)

2 tablespoons of oil made from pumpkin seeds


Preheat the oven to 350°F.

Put the pumpkin seeds in the bowl of your food processor that has a blade that can be used for many different things. Pulse them until they are very small. Add the graham crackers and pulse again until the mixture is broken up into small pieces. Add the pumpkin seed oil and pulse until everything is mixed together.

Press the crust into an 8-inch pie pan that has been lightly greased. Bake for 8 minutes, then let cool for at least 5 minutes before filling.

What You Need To Fill

4 ounces of room-temperature cream cheese

14 of a cup of honey

1 teaspoon of real vanilla extract

2 cups of pureed roasted pumpkin

1/4 cup of whole milk

1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder

1/4 teaspoon of mace powder

1/4 tsp. of ginger powder

2 large eggs


Put the cream cheese, honey, and vanilla in the food processor's bowl and turn the machine on. Let the blender run for 2 full minutes to mix well. Mix in the pumpkin that has been roasted, heavy cream, cinnamon, mace, and ginger. Pulse to mix, then keep running for another 2 minutes. One at a time, add the eggs. Pulse to mix everything together, then process for a full 2 minutes. Pulse the switch before you turn it on, or a mess will happen.

Pour the filling into the crust that has been baked and let cool. Bake for 30 minutes. Let it cool down completely before serving, because the filling won't be completely set until the pie has cooled.

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